Se você está perdido sobre como melhorar sua arte...

Eu sei exatamente como você se sente: você passa horas e horas assistindo vídeos no YouTube, vê tutoriais no Instagram e Pinterest, e tem certeza de que aprendeu muito! Mas quando tenta aplicar o que aprendeu… o resultado é decepcionante, e você se pergunta o que está fazendo de errado.

Não é culpa sua.

A quantidade de informações disponíveis na internet é gigantesca, e somos abençoados por isso; no entanto, o resultado é que frequentemente não sabemos exatamente que caminho seguir, o que aprender em que momento e como finalmente criar as pinturas lindas que temos em mente.

Nos tornamos zumbis, nos sentindo meio artistas, meio outra coisa, sempre incapazes de nos expressar por meio de nossas criações.

Esse é o único caminho? A arte é sofrimento e dor?

Não, não é. E você merece mais.

Você merece se orgulhar de suas pinturas, sentir alegria ao desenhar, ter seguidores que te admiram e te buscam por sua expertise.

Esse programa é para você se…

Esse programa é para você se…

… e você está pronto para superar essa situação e começar a AMAR suas artes!

O primeiro passo é entender o que é necessário para criar obras de arte maravilhosas. Tudo se resume aos fundamentos, claro, mas há alguns pilares que devemos aprender acima de tudo se quisermos melhorar rapidamente.

Existem três pilares para ciração de ilustrações personagens irresistíveis

Quando você dominar esses 3 pilares, sua arte vai se tornar incrível – e impossível de ser ignorada!

Veja o quanto meus alunos evoluíram em algumas semanas:

Mais resultados em menos tempo: é o que vamos fazer nos próximos 30 dias com esse programa de aceleração e feedback.

Leandro aprendeu sobre estrutura e como representar melhor cada parte do rosto
Rin focou em qualidade de linha e gestual

How will this mentorship give you MORE results in LESS time?

We’ll decide a day and time to meet each week on Zoom.

In this 1-hour call, I’ll share my screen with you and go over your drawings, giving feedback and explaining how to improve.

After each meeting, I’ll create a PDF file with assignments for you to complete. These assignments will be decided according to your struggles and goals, so you can improve as fast as possible.

I’ll suggest resources like videos and texts that will help you tackle specific obstacles when needed.

You’ll have access to my Discord account and email, so you can ask me any art-related question, any time – I’ll answer every weekday.

After each meeting, I will send you all the files from that meeting, including notes, explanations and redraws.

Here's everything you need to know about the program:

What it is:

This is an acceleration program for those who want to improve as soon as possible.

It is recommended for those who want to monetize their art, or feel immense frustration from not being able to express their feelings and ideas through images. We’ll get over this!

You’ll have a professional artist to tell you EXACTLY what needs to be improved, at what moment, and how. 

You’ll never feel lost again!


How it works:

First, we’ll chat a little bit about your goals and aspirations, as well as what’s holding you back. Then I can craft a plan for you. We’ll also agree on a time and date for our weekly or bi-weekly meetings.

Then, I’ll send you assignments. You have one or two weeks to complete them. The amount of assignments depends on how much time you have available to complete them – I won’t swamp you with homework if you only have 2 hours a week for studying, and I won’t give you only a few assignments if you have 10 hours a week.

I’ll go over your drawings/paintings and show you what needs to be better and HOW you can improve. If necessary, we can do a draw along session – I’ll choose a reference and we’ll draw together, with me guiding you every step of the way.

After the meeting is over, I’ll send you class notes + recording of the class + new assignments for the following week, as well as extra resources if necessary (youtube videos, my exclusive lessons, etc.)

This is the cycle: you receive assignments > you complete them > we go over it live and you find out what needs to be fixed > I send you resources and more assignments tailored for your specific needs.

We’ll meet once a week, or once every two weeks, for a feedback and paintover session.
The specific date and time is something we will decide together, depending on our schedules.
How much?
Payment is due every 4 weeks. There are two options:
  • Weekly sessions: $190 for 4 weeks (4 meetings)
  • Bi-weekly sessions: $100 for 4 weeks (2 meetings)
You can pay through ACH transfer, Wise or Paypal.
If you’re part of my Patreon, the amount you pay over there will be deducted from your mentorship fee. E.g.: If you have a $10 membership, the weekly mentorship will cost $180.
If you wish to apply, please fill out this form and I’ll be in touch:
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What's your desired schedule?
If there's anything you want to ask me or tell me about your art journey, you can use this space! If not, we'll chat through email.

Hi! I'm Yaine.

I’m a digital illustrator who loves character drawing.

I started drawing as a kid but only drew occasionally – not even once a week – for most of my life. At the age of 22, I started drawing everyday and slowly realized how important art is for me.

At 27, I decided to make art my full-time job. It was a tough decision, but one I’m absolutely proud of myself for making: I’m now the happiest I’ve ever been, since I get to draw all day, every day!

Since becoming a full-time illutrator, I’ve worked with commissions and freelance work, as well as teaching art. Teaching is my absolute passion and I hope I can help many other artists improve their crafts and represent their feelings through art!

profile pic

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely! This program is designed to take you from the very beginning all the way to making amazing character illustrations.

I won’t lie and say you’ll master drawing in 2 weeks. But you’ll have access to everything you need to craft gorgeous paintings much faster than if you were by yourself.

You’ll learn all the foundation and receive a plan, so you never feel lost again.

It is not. I cannot upload knowledge inside your head, you’ll need to practice if you want to become an amazing artist.

However, you don’t need 8 hours a day, or even 8 hours a week. If you have 2 weekly hours for practice + 1h for our class together, you’ll already improve a lot!

Please let me know at least 24 hours in advance.

If there’s an emergency and you can only let me know in less than 24 hours, that’s fine as well. We’ll reschedule another day!

Not at all! We’ll work with the tools you have. You can use only paper and pencil if you want.

You can fill out this form and ask me your question.

You can also send me a DM on Instagram @yainedraws or an email at . I’ll answer as soon as possible!

Got any more questions? Don't hesitate to reach out!