Yaine's Art Community

Turn your feelings into authentic paintings your audience will love!

Do you want to create beautiful, professional-looking character paintings you feel proud of? Then, this Patreon is for you! You’ll have access to everything you need to level up your drawing and painting.

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This art improvement could be yours!

Launch date:

AUGUST 1, 2023


Discover how to paint like this!

What is this about?

Patreon is a membership website where you support creators and get rewards in exchange.

In this Patreon, you will receive everything you need to level up your art.

You will have access to:

  • Step-by-step images, so you can quickly see my process;

  • Layered files, so you can analyze exactly how each of my pieces is structured;

  • Monthly tutorials – and YOU will be the one to decide the theme each month!

  • Real-time recordings – you can see exactly how I did each piece, follow along if you want to learn a specific tecnique, the possibilities are endless!

  • Feedback and critique, which is THE quickest way to improve in art;

  • And much, much more!

I believe the contact can become stronger in a small community such as the one in Patreon, and I’d love to get closer to my followers. This is the reason why we will have a Discord community, where you can find like-minded friends, discuss your art goals, and get community feedback!

Who will guide you:

Hi, I’m Yaine! I’m a digital illustrator who loves character drawing.

I started drawing as a kid but only drew occasionally – not even once a week – for most of my life. At the age of 22, I started drawing everyday and slowly realized how important art is for me.

At 27, I decided to make art my full-time job. It was a tough decision, but one I’m absolutely proud of myself for making: I’m now the happiest I’ve ever been, since I get to draw all day, every day!

Since becoming a full-time illutrator, I’ve worked with commissions and freelance work, as well as teaching art. Teaching is my absolute passion and I hope I can help many other artists improve their crafts and represent their feelings through art!

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